With over 1,500 pubs – Marston’s is a large and well-known national chain. Their outlets operate a range of different coffee equipment brands, including barista style, traditional and bean-to-cup machines.
Marston’s challenge is to ensure prompt aftercare assistance for individual pubs when required. If coffee machines are out of action for considerable periods, it has a potentially significant knock-on effect on revenue and levels of customer service.
Our response to their need was to deliver our full range of aftercare services to their pubs north of Birmingham, including installation, servicing, PSSR testing and breakdown repair. We integrated our operation with Marston’s own systems, allowing end users to request assistance – with our 24-hour response service then kicking into action.
Marston’s has benefited from our comprehensive expert field service solution, with reduced machine downtime and more consistent customer service across its estate. Now that we take care of any issues promptly, and communicate progress to end users throughout each job, the hassle and stress related to machine malfunctions has been removed.
“Field Service Solutions are knowledgeable and capable, with expert engineers and a proactive approach.”